Saturday, December 12, 2009

Am I the only one who hates bra shopping?

1. Why are bras so exorbitantly expensive?
2. Why is it so hard to find unpadded bras?
3. Why is it so hard to find decent plain seamless black unpadded bras (yes, thick lining is also padding can)?
4. Why does M&S sell pairs in black-white or beige-white combinations? To prevent lots of white leftovers? So why manufacture white ones?
5. Why the fuck does this phone keep auto-upcasing the word 'white'?


Priscilla Tan said...

Ha..i totally feel u:)

Unknown said...

go crazy over bras in bangkok next time you're there... no idea why but its at least 50% cheaper.

Anonymous said...

I dislike padded bras, too, from a male perspective. *cough*

As for point #5, could it be because you have someone by the name of "White" in your address book?

wallfleur_mama said...

Nope, no whites anywhere. Perplexing.