Saturday, April 05, 2008

We're on meritocracy, people

Support local ______.

Productions, music, fashion, design, talent, etc. Fill in as you wish.

Whenever I see any of the above, my question is always, "Why?"

Hear me out.

I'll start by stating some of what I love that's local. Royston Tan. The Great Spy Experiment. Stefanie Sun. Tanya Chua. Astreal. alldressedup. Argentum. Baylene. Hansel.

I like them because they're them. Not because they're Singaporean. Nobody should ever think that their fellow countrymen are obliged to support their craft just because. I believe that work should speak for itself.

Perhaps the person who came up with that in the first place really meant, "Don't discriminate against local _____."

Because it happens. I once asked the room if anyone has The Great Spy Experiment album,
and I got this reply: "Ew. They're local right?"

Wtf? I don't mind if you tell me, "Ew. They're so lousy," but automatically assuming local equals bad is simply disgusting.

So if that's the true meaning of the line, I don't mind so much. But if it's otherwise, please, just shut up.

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