Well, don't you feel tremendously satisfied too when you defiantly squeeze an extra 15 minutes of bedtime into your mornings?

Okay, here's the thing. I'm considering lash extensions in order to shave 15 min off my morning routine. I mean, 15 min to put on mascara is bloody ridiculous. But my lashes are stubbornly stick-straight and collapse when I use fibre-heavy mascaras on them. So I've to coax them into staying curled (or right-angled, depending on luck) with a feather light lengthening Ipsa mascara, followed by a heavier formula only on the tips to extend and darken and finally with a volume inducing thickening and blackening formula. I like them dark and sooty, but it's damn hard to achieve.
So. If I don't have to fuss over lashes, I can sleep longer or have time to slap on something else, like powder or what-not. You can say that I am required to look more polished. This, after I spent the last two years of my life sauntering out of the house in tees, denim skirts and sneakers, and without a speck of makeup.
How, like that?
So what do you think? Should I give it a go?
oh nooooooo..the horror!u need to plaster ur face for work??in the freakin mornin??u poor child..i sooo feel for you...
go for that damn eyelash extention whatever..how the hell does it work tho?
much love...
well technically im only plastering my lashes and slapping on eye concealer, cos tts all i can fork out time for. i think i need to powder my nose and cheeks.. large pores lah.
basically they stick tiny hairs onto ur lashes, so u look like u have a fuller, longer set. it could be a whole row stuck on, or it could be separate clusters, supposedly giving a more natural look and obviously more expensive too.
my previous beauty ed boss does it regularly and i must say she really does look damn awake and more made up just because of her curled, long lashes.
ahhh rite..stickin tiny hairs onto ya lashes sounds painful for some odd reason..but im sure they aint..but knowin u..u will DIE for fashion and everythin in between..
soo yea.. =)go get that clumps girlfren...
princess is me.
like princess fiona frm shrek.
princess ewok.
let me be.
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