Monday, May 28, 2012

Two things


Been extremely annoyed by the incessant chatter about diets and body issues that surround me recently.

If you are trying to lose weight by eating less, the "less" should not mainly constitute deep fried food and sugared drinks.
If you are trying to lose weight by having heavier breakfasts and lunches and skipping dinner, nasi lemak and deep fried processed items should not be your staples.
If you are trying to lose weight by having salads everyday, you should not be dousing, soaking, boring vegetables like plain lettuce or overcooked broccoli in high-calorie Japanese sesame dressing, and moaning about how you eat healthily but are not getting any thinner.

(The above sum up the female colleagues I have to live with daily.)

We all (mostly) have our struggles with food and our bodies. I just wish (the) women (around me) would shut up about their fucked up diets and media-led body consciousness and screwed up definitions of healthy meals.

I don't see people competing to use less plastic or waste less food, but when it comes to latching on to terrible eating habits, you can see the green eyes flare and the monsters within leaping to follow suit.

Actually I don't care. But shut up, just shut up about it.


My shortness of temper stems from an unmanageable discontent (unhappiness) that I am stuck... here. Notice I did not use words like "maybe", "probably" or "likely" to suggest suspicion. I know it is true. I am angry because I am here.

"Here", however, leads to more uncertainty, because it is too big a scope. Here refers to this job, this country, this existence, this life. (I typed "a little more uncertainty" before deleting "a little more". I am training to express myself in definite terms.)

There are things I can do about it, things that involve risk. I know the only thing standing in my way is myself (because I am no longer willing to say, "I have no choice," about anything). And that doesn't make me less angry.

So okay, here goes.

One million yen is approximately SGD16,000. It may not have been the film's intention to inspire the urge to escape. But that's alright. We take away what we will.

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