Sunday, April 01, 2012

Conversations in the supermarket and outside the pizza restaurant

How do you know if it's real? That the spark is real?

If it isn't there wouldn't be a spark.

How do you know it's not just your imagination?

You can't question such things. You have to believe in the moment.

But how can you believe in the moment when you know that it's just going to disappear.

No it won't.

Yes, it will. It always will.

That's why you have to look for something with constant spark.

There's no such thing. At some point it will disappear, and you have to depend on something else.

That's not true!

Yes it is. So how can you trust it?

But I'd rather have had that moment than not at all!

Really? But how do you know if it was real?

You can't question things like that.

I don't know man.

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