Monday, September 01, 2008


Roll #1

(Picture yet to be taken - digi cam on holiday in Taiwan lah.)

Being so used to the digital age, I completely overestimated the ability of a plastic camera. Took too many indoor and late evening shots. In my head, I was thinking that if the Canon Ixus can do this without flash, I can take a chance with the Holga as well.

Nope. Very wrong, with a roll of blanks to prove.

Roll #2

(Picture yet to be taken)

This. I suppose this can be attributed to stupidity. I forgot to press down the Rewind button before trying to wind the film back. And I tried too hard to wind it despite the resistance. So the film snapped. Since I had already opened the back of the cam to check what was up in there, the film was already exposed to light and doomed. So I pulled out the entire roll, in order to put a new one in to continue shooting.

When I was thinking about it, I thought it was like losing 36 perfect moments. Not because those pictures would have turned out perfect, but because at that point, I thought it was right to take that picture. I could retrace my steps and take them all over again, but it would never be the same. It would not be as spontaneous and the feeling of wonder and curiosity of those specific points in time would never be replicated.

Still, I suppose there is some beauty in knowing that this snagged strip of film holds lost memories.

Roll #3

Don't give up and continue to snap wildly.

(Holga 135BC)

It's really, really very fun.

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