Wednesday, August 20, 2008

why funny girl is called funny girl

I should have written it down back when she told me but I didn't so I can't remember exactly what she said. Essentially though - and the essence is good enough - when two male interviewers asked how else she could contribute to the team apart from all her skills and knowledge mentioned, she told them she was uplifting.

So both were amused and one sniggered. But hey, she got the job. And she definitely proved on the spot that what she said was truthful.


Anonymous said...

hahaha i have forgotten all about this!! the "office" reply to the taxi driver(?) is quite a classic too - turtle

wallfleur_mama said...

she did something else the other time, also along the lines of this "office" type of answer. was desperately trying to remember but i can't!!

Anonymous said...

excuse me??? why is there an extended discussion about me????

wallfleur_mama said...

cos its funny ha