I finished my first tube and have not been using it for a few months but a week ago, I started on it again.
Previously, I used it along with the Clarins 21-day whitening program and the results were stellar. My complexion lightened and evened out. Pores looked smaller (not just because they were unclogged but also cos of adequate moisture) and I was constantly radiant.
This time, I've decided to use it alone first (on top of usual regime, but minus Clarins), because you've got to test variables one by one.
I've these tiny whitehead-ish bumps just under the middle of my lower lip and two days of the product later, the area is flatter and smoother. On the whole, skin is softer and smoother to the touch. It looks a tad more even, definitely less blotchy.
Most excellent. Can't wait to start on the Clarins program again.
Just a few notes if you use it. It is daily exfoliation after all and there are beads involved, no matter how micro, so the urge to apply too much pressure should be avoided. No thoughts of invigorating scrubbing here, it's your face you're sloughing away, and over-exfoliation can bring on a whole slew of problems.
If your cleanser has exfoliating properties, whether physical or chemical, you should switch to a gentler one while you're on this skin polisher. On the whole, I don't like cleansers with exfoliating properties but I like the Boots No 7 whitening one so much I'm willing to ignore this rule for a bit. But even though I love it and its round beads, I'll be using a Shiseido White Lucent one for now. It's a gel formula that is totally gentle but I do not usually like because it doesn't rinse off cleanly or quickly enough. But paired with an after-exfoliant, it works.
Back to Olay, do spend a few moments massaging the product gently into the skin and use water to prolong the warmth. Just concentrate on getting all areas of the face, including edges of nose and corners of mouth. The heat is utterly relaxing, so for a couple of minutes, you can even take the chance to quiet your mind and just blank out everything else but the task at hand.
Dear beauty editor, this only means one thing. I have to go out later this evening and buy Olay Thermal Polisher. So convincing and I also know what you say is so true. Just recently bought Clarins Gentle Peeling and have not even use it yet!
Question: Been super lazy lately. Have not been caring for my skin at all, please advise how to get out of this laziness?
1. Look at pictures of women who don't take care of their skin. Envision their engorged pores clogged with funk, blotchy and flaking dry skin, and dull, dull colour as dark as an overcast sky minus the beauty. Imagine that landscape on your face then see if you're willing to step out of the rut.
2. Surround yourself with people with beautiful skin. Or people who wear a lot of makeup to create the illusion of beautiful skin. Then tell yourself you want beautiful skin, naturally, sans makeup.
3. Imagine me telling you smugly 10 years later, I TOLD YOU SO.
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